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  Samira: A Life Renewed  

Samira: A Life Renewed

Sadegh Souri

Because of her father’s addiction and beatings, Samira attempted suicide twice at the age of 15. After many years of abuse, Samira, her sister, Somayeh, and her mother decide to murder the man. One evening, after eating dinner and using drugs, her father goes to bed. Samira’s mother lays next to her husband and wraps a shawl around his neck. The sisters help their mother but get scared and drop the shawl. Samira’s mother continues and chokes her husband to death. After the murder, they decide to bury the body. When the body is discovered her mother confesses to the murder with the help of her children. Samira and her sister are sent to a “Correction and Rehabilitation Center (Prison)” and their mother is sent to the adult prison. At the age of 17, Samira is sentenced to death and at the age of 18, she is transferred to an “adult prison”, where she is molested. Unable to tolerate terrible psychological pressures, Samira decides to tell the truth. At the court hearing, she confesses that she and her sister have only witnessed the crime that night and their mother has committed the murder on her own. Regarding her silence, she tells the court that she had thought that if three people take the blame for the murder, they won’t be sentenced to death or execution.

After hearing her confessions and conducting investigations, the judge sentences “Samira” to five years in prison for collaborating in the murder and burying the body. Because she had already spent three years in the Correction and Rehabilitation Center and two years in adult prison, she was released from prison at the age of 20. Her mother is still in prison.

Life after her incarceration was difficult. After her release from prison, Samira met a boy named Omid. Samira and Omid have been friends for a year and decided to marry. Samira says: “In the correction and Rehabilitation center, when I was reading and signing my death sentence, the TV was showing a documentary about the sea. I thought with myself, I’m about 17 years old and I have not visited the sea yet and have not traveled anywhere. It was terrible to think that I can never see the sea”. After her release and meeting Omid, Samira goes to the Caspian coast in northern Iran and spends great time there